Tanya Morgan
Interdependent Media, 2009
If you had asked me if I knew who Tanya Morgan was before I had listened to this record, I would have said, "Yeah totally. I sat next to her in Psychology during my freshman year. I heard she's waiting tables at the Applebee's in North Raleigh now." You would be forgiven for having a similiar reaction if you had never heard of these guys either. I have no idea where their name came from, but I do know that this Tanya Morgan is a hip hop group that's bringing back the 90's hip hop sound. All the comparisons that are heaped upon Little Brother (De La Soul, Tribe) which I honestly don't understand, are actually applicable here.
The first thing that struck me about this record is that it reminds me of The Black Eyed Peas' Behind the Front. You know, when they still had their souls and their integrity. And before Fergie and her self-inflicted, onstage golden showers.
Brooklynati definitely takes me back to 1996. It's packed with funk and jazz samples and the breakbeats that made 90's hip hop great. Plus, these guys don't hesitate to toss around Onyx and ODB references like an Aerobie.
However, one hip hop trap that they fall into is the whole skit thing. Yep. Skits that are given an entire track all to themselves. Or sometimes tracks that begin or end with skits. Like almost every other hip hop artist, they will find a way to pack in as many skits as possible. I've always hated that. It pisses me off to this day that I have to fast forward through over a minute of nonsense just to listen to Biggie's "Kick in the Door." And don't even get me started on Raekwon's Only Built 4 Cuban Linx.
All of that aside, this is a good record. There's definitely some misses here, but I just appreciate the fact that this is a refreshing break from the stagnant state of mainstream hip hop.
Still, I swear I know a Tanya Morgan.. Did she figure skate?