Burning Airlines
Mission: Control!
DeSoto, 1999
If you were to ask me, kind reader, what my favorite kind of music is, I would probably wrinkle my nose in disgust because that's a ridiculous question and one that I cannot answer. However, were I forced to mull over this query for long enough, I would reply that it's probably something that rocks. Something that rocks hard. I can safely say that Burning Airlines met that criteria.
As a young lad in my musical infancy I was bombarded by alternative and grunge which is obviously going to influence my tastes. Not to say that Mission is either of those. On the contrary, this music is precise, mature, technical and f**king rad. It's everything I would ever want from a band, and it's no surprise that J. Robbins and Bill Barbot of Jawbox were the ones that delivered.
Jawbox were one of my all time favorites, and their sound is definitely present here. But unfortunately Burning Airlines only put out two albums in their all too brief career. If only bad bands would break up as fast as the good ones.
It's hard to describe this album, because the most obvious comparison would be with Jawbox. Maybe a little bit of Pixies, Fugazi and who knows what else. I don't know. No description of mine is going to do this album justice. Just listen to the CD.