Jets to Brazil
Orange Rhyming Dictionary
Jade Tree, 1998
Back when my friends and I listened exclusively to bands such as The Mr. T Experience, Screeching Weasel and The Vandals, this band was anathema. I remember somehow ending up at a Promise Ring show with a friend and being mortified at the collection of self-important whiners present. This music was garbage. As was anything else that might be labeled "emo" or related to Jade Tree Records in general. However, one of my friends (I believe through his girlfriend) ended up with this CD and shared it with me. I tried my damnedest and literally willed myself not to like it. But songs like "Sweet Avenue", "Sea Anemone" and "Chinatown" had me hooked to this band like a trucker to crank. I still listen to this CD often, and I really don't think it's emo. I don't even know what that is anymore. Fourteen-year-old boys with eyeliner maybe? Who knows. Labels just aren't important these days. This is a great CD no matter what genre you're into. Thanks Josh's girlfriend.