Leaves in the Gutter EP
Merge, 2009
My first encounter with indie rock came when I was in the 8th grade. I was at the local used CD store and took a chance on an album by a band named Superchunk called "Incidental Music: 1991-1995". Sometimes taking chances is bad and it doesn't pay off. Like NBA players putting out hip hop records (Shaq, Ron Artest). Or choosing a career as a killer whale "trainer" at Sea World. They didn't earn that name by being friendly. However, on that day back in 1995, the chance that I took with my hardly-earned money paid off in spades, and I would love to thank the scrub who probably traded that CD for a Veruca Salt record.
To me, Superchunk along with Pavement are the quintessential indie rock bands. Superchunk is by far the best and most important band to ever come out of North Carolina and I don't foresee anyone taking that title from them anytime soon. If you disagree, feel free to email your argument and/or opinion to me at blahblahblah@noisenoisenoise.com. I will only view submissions that follow official MLA guidelines. And please, include proper citation.
This EP features a few new songs as well as "Misfits & Mistakes". All the songs are fantastic, but I can take or leave the acoustic version of "Learned to Surf." I guess it's cool to hear what a song sounds like without everything that makes it great... Leaves in the Gutter also shows that this band has only become better with age. Therefore, I am now replacing the metaphorical "wine" with "Superchunk". For example: "Wine is like Superchunk. It only gets better with age." Or even: "Johnny Depp is very much unlike Superchunk. His choice in roles as of late has transformed him into an unlikeable, living cartoon. He's kind of like Judge Doom in the 1988 cinematic masterpiece Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and I can't believe this is the same guy who made What's Eating Gilbert Grape and The Libertine." Responses to that one can be forwarded to the same email address listed above.
But getting back on topic. Leaves in the Gutter reminds me of the Superchunk that I discovered and immediately loved when I was young, and they've managed to stay more than merely relevant. As far as EP's go, this is totally worth your money and proves again why Superchunk is such an important and influential band.
Pick up Superchunk's new album Majesty Shredding on 9/14.