Male Bonding
Nothing Hurts
Sub Pop, 2010
Those limey bastards.. With an underhanded strategy worthy of the British Empire of old, The Crown has sought to distract us from the recent environmental "unpleasantness" by exporting the best new music this year.
This is undeniably good. When the first song played, I knew I would like it because it's fast. Fast usually equals good in my book. It's got sort of a punk sound, but it's not punk. The vocals sound kind of like Kevin Shields, which is interesting because bassist/singer Kevin Hendrick cites Ride and My Bloody Valentine as some of his favorite bands. But the music sounds alternately like Les Savy Fav, Pink Flag era Wire and sometimes The Horrors (these are just points of reference). Other times it sounds nothing like any of those bands.
What it does sound like is something I will listen to a lot. It's loud, fast, noisy and smart. I would have to say that of all the music I have heard so far this year, Nothing Hurts is by far my favorite. Leave it to the Brits to show us how music should be done, again. Now if they could just clean up The Gulf...
What it does sound like is something I will listen to a lot. It's loud, fast, noisy and smart. I would have to say that of all the music I have heard so far this year, Nothing Hurts is by far my favorite. Leave it to the Brits to show us how music should be done, again. Now if they could just clean up The Gulf...
E says: Cheers.
L says: I don't remember.