Matador, 2010
I like these guys. I liked them right off the bat. That's saying a lot, because there aren't many things (or people) from Texas that I like. But they're originally from Arizona, so they don't count.
They play catchy, poppy songs that may actually leave you with a sugar headache. I would liken them to The Monkees, if The Monkees had been up for two weeks spun out on meth and peyote. If I ever have a nightmare about being in one of those 60's B-movies with homicidal teenagers or pot smoking motorcycle gangs, this will surely be the soundtrack. It's pretty awesome. Just about every track on this album is capable of sticking in your head like Gorilla Glue. The songwriting is that good. I don't know if I could listen to them all the time or anything, but I like 'em. Yup. That about sums it up.
E says: Well done boys.
L says: Cute and fun.
Catch Harlem at the Hopsctoch Festival in Raleigh on 9/8